Who has started the wars in Yugoslavia? (Tko je zapoceo rat u Jugoslaviji)
All the Slavic peoples of former Yugoslavia had been stereotyped and portrayed in international media as violent lawless peoples. This stereotyping includes the Croatians, Bosnians and most of all the Serbs. But who has really started the wars between various slavic nations of the Balkan peninsula? As the Romans have well known the best way to rule a people is to divide them, to create internal conflicts. All the internal conflicts arising in several Slavic nations have in reality external roots, have been started by external powers, enemies of Slavic peoples. The formula is simple. Send a squad of foreign agenst into Croatia, kill a dozen or so people and call a radio station or a newspaper and say that it is the work of Serb nationalists. Then a few days later, send the same squad of professional killers into Serbia, kill the same number of (or more of Serbs) and call the media again and declare that it was done by the Croatians to revenge the killings of a few days earlier. After that the emotions on both sides get into motion so that no-one can stop them anymore. The foreign agents pull out, take a well paid vacations in Polynesia or some other tropical paradise, while the Croatians, the Serbs, the Bosnians keep killing each other to revenge the "killings" of the other side. After enough people have been killed then the same foreing powers send in "peace keepers" and accuse Slavic leaders on both sides of crimes against humanity. This way both sides lose their leaders, their industries, their leading politicians, and now the second wave of agents moves in. They go on buying up the media and brainwashing the Slavic public with their own lies. After the wars they had started it is easy (and cheap) to buy anything they want.
This is how the southern Slavic nations have been turned into fighting each other, while others profited. The same scenario had been tried in Czecho-Slovakia. Fortunately, the Czech and Slovak leaders had decided early enough to break up the country on their own, before the foreing agents would do it for them, in the same violent fashion as was done in Yugoslavia.
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