Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What is Slavic Nationalism?

Slavic Nationalism is a modern version of Pan-Slavism, which traces its origins to the late 1700’s. Throughout time, groups of people possessing a common trait have sought to unify themselves under one banner or cause. In unity lies strength. When there are many separate groups possessing a similar goal, the best way to achieve that goal is for the groups to unite. Humans are social creatures, and thus we succeed when working with others. 

Unification movements have existed since the dawn of time. The nations of today were formed by groups of people with similar ethnicity, religion, philospophical beliefs, or political beliefs that united to secure those similar traits and advance their cause. However, if a group of people try to unify with another group with which does not share a simililar trait or common goal, one of the groups must sacrafice their interest to the other. Thus, rarely to groups with differing characteristics unify unless compelled to by other reasons. There are several types of reasons to unify. Here are a few of those reasons complete with examples.

Race/Ethnic Reasons- It is natural for humans to seek out what is most familiar to them. This led ancient people to unify with people that looked, spoke, or acted like them. A good way to see examples of unification of racial groups is by looking at the history of the Slavic nations(or almost any nation for that matter). Poland was formed when Mieszko I united the local Slavic tribespeople under Christianity. Racially, the Slavs were virtually identical, but without a common cause, they had no organization. Unification was a benefit to those scattered Slavic tribes because they were able to combine their strengths by uniting as a nation. In a dark chapter of history, Adolf Hitler sought another type of unity. Hitler gained power because he united Germanic and Nordic people under the guise of Aryan power. One of the major reasons the German army accomplished so much is that it had help from Norwegians, Danes, Dutch, Belgians, Austrians, and other Germanic/Nordic peoples. It was also able to draw support from Volksdeutche, enclaves of Germans living in the countries invaded by the Nazis. Hitler constantly referred to the concept of one Germany, uniting the country under one political party. Regardless of the terrible results, nobody can deny that unity did bring Germany back from the brink of destruction after the Treaty of Versailles.

Religious Reasons- Religion trancends racial barriers, and thus it can unify people with little other similarity. The best example of religious unity is Islam. Islam is the fastest growing religion today. It’s followers come from many radically different races. Despite the racial differences, Muslims will die to defend each other. In Bosnia, a European country, one can find evidence of Arab Mujehadeen coming to the aid of European Muslims. Rarely do Muslim countries not support each other. Generally the only time they do is when it is a Muslim on Muslim confrontation. The loyalty that Muslims have toward each other is a trait I am sad to say is almost unheard of among Christian or other non-Muslim nations. Nobody can deny the incredible unity of Islamic nations.

Political Reasons- The United States(Unity even appears in the name) was created from thirteen colonies which united against British oppression. Because of this unity, America stands as one of the largest empires today. As unity breaks down among racial lines in America, the internal stability of the country decreases. More proof that unity=strength. Communism, a belief in unity of workers, was intended to start a worldwide revolution. Even in the Communist Manifesto, Marx’s command to his followers is to unite. After the Second World War, non-Communist nations formed the North Atlantic Treaty Organization in order to defend their political systems from Communism. In response, Communists nations also united to consolidate their power.

History is full of examples of how unity is strength. Kings and lords consolidated their power to form great empires. Armies concentrate their forces or will attempt to devide the enemy forces to achieve victory. Everyone knows the saying that there is safety in numbers. So what are some examples of unity that relate to Slavic Nationalism.

Pan-Slavism can be seen easily if you know what to look for. If you look at the flags of most Slavic nations, you will usually see the colors white, blue, and red. In tricolors, a blue stripe is usually between the red and white stripe. Even Slavic nations whose flags do not have all three colors usually have al least one or two of the three. This is not a coincidence. In the late 1700’s there was a movement to unify Slavic nations. The white, blue, and red colors have been known to be the Pan-Slavic colors. There is an obvious similarity between the flags of Slavic nations. Just look at the flags of Slovakia, Slovenia, Russia, Serbia, and Bulgaria. These flags are similar for a reason. The similarity between Slavic peoples runs much deeper than flag colors.

Dictionaries generally define Slavs as a group of Indo-European people speaking a similar language, that being Slavic or Slavonic. The definitions vary but the people who are considered Slavs do not. Slavs can be divided into the following groups.

Western Slavs- Polish, Czech, Slovakian,

Eastern Slavs- Great Russians, White Russians, Little Russians(Ukrainians)

Southern Slavs- Yugoslavs( Croatians, Serbs, Slovenes,) and Bulgarians

Slavic people not only share similarity in language, but one can also observe various physical characteristics that differ from those of western European people. Slavic people also are predominately Christian, either Catholic or Orthodox. Based on these common traits, Slavic Nationalism is the belief that the above mention peoples are one race, the Slavic race. For a more complete illustration of Slavic Nationalism, read on.

The Concepts of Modern Slavic Nationalism

1. It is an undeniable fact that Slavic peoples share a common ethnicity, heritage, religion, and language; Slavic Nationalism is the acknowledgement of this fact. The Slavic Nationalist strives to understand Slavic cultures other than his own and helps them in time of need. The Slavic Nationalist seeks the solidarity and recognition of the Slavic race. Slavic Nationalism recognizes a nation as not only a state, but an entire race of people. 

2. Slavic unity should be based on race, not religion or politics. Thus Slavic unity should exist between Catholic and Orthodox Slavs. However, Christianity has historically been the religion of the Slavic people. No other religion will be recognized as part of Slavic culture.

3. Because of our common race, we should not dwell on the quarrels of our past, but work towards unity in the future.

4. Because strength lies in unity, Slavic Nationalism is the best way for Slavic nations to advance without compromising their culture.

5. Any kind of attack on a particular Slavic people or culture by a non-Slavic people or culture is an attack on the entire race. 

6. Racial identity is the only thing about a person that cannot be changed, and thus it is one of the most important traits a person has. The Slavic Nationalist identifies his or herself as a Slav first, specific nationality second. The Slavic Nationalist does not classify by skin color, religion, or place of birth, but instead by blood. The Slavic Nationalist will not be referred to as white or simply European, and will not rally behind the cause of other groups simply because they are also European or they have the same skin color. Furthermore, a Slavic does not have to be entirely Slavic. Any person who is of European origin and identifies first and foremost with his or her Slavic backround should be called such.

7. Slavic advancement does not need to come at the expense of other races.

8. The Slavic people cannot make peace with any force dedicated to its destruction, exploitation, or harm. Despite this, the Slavic people should not try to manufacture enemies or declare all non-Slavic people as enemies.

9. The Slavic Nationalist does not make generalizations about enemies of the Slavic race. Animosity should only be directed toward those who have openly attacked or are attacking Slavic people.

10. The Slavic Nationalist must be willing to preserve the uniqueness of the Slavic race and culture at all costs. (This however, is mostly a matter of personal choice among individuals.)


There it is, love it or hate it, I don't care. I just think its time for Slavs to realize that we are a unique race and we are constantly getting screwed by Western Europeans. These so-called White-Nationalists are the same as today's modern day Establishment, they just follow an older ideology. Don't trust any race West of the Oder! (Non literally of course.)

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