Monday, December 6, 2010

Turbo (Poland)

Turbo is a Polish heavy metal band. It was started in January 1980, in Poznań, by Henryk Tomczak[1] (formerly in Stress and Heam, both pioneering Polish hard rock groups). Turbo is one of the most important bands in polish heavy metal.[2] Turbo's most famous album isKawaleria Szatana (Satan's Cavalry), considered an opus of Polish heavy metal[2]. The band is best known for tracks "Dorosłe Dzieci", "Jaki był ten dzień", "Żółnierz fortuny" and "Wszystko będzie okej".


The first line-up were formed by Wojciech Hoffmann – guitar, Wojciech Anioła – drums and Wojciech Sowula – vocals. Soon a single was released, the tracks being "W środku tej nocy" ("Deep in the Night") and "Byłem z tobą tyle lat" ("So many years with you"). The band's style back then was very much like 70s-early 80s hard rock. November 1980 the singer quit, and was replaced by Piotr Krystek. New tracks were recorded, and frequently aired by the radio. Soon more line-up changes came, the original founder and bassist left. 16-year old Piotr Przybylski took his place. Andrzej Łysów joined as second guitarist, and the singer was changed once again. Since then Turbo's vocals are handled by Grzegorz Kupczyk, one of the most famous Polish heavy metal singers, sometimes compared to Bruce Dickinson.
In 1982 the first LP was released, entitled Dorosłe dzieci (Grown-up Children). The music it contains is a blend of traditional hard rock andNWOBHM. The title track has become a hit and most recognizable Turbo song. Having the LP recorded, the group kept playing extensively, amongst others at Rockowisko in Łódź and the famous Jarocin festival. Despite the success, the line-up kept changing, the drummers were consequently after another: Marek Olszak, Ryszard Oleksy and Przemysław Pahl. Finally, the drummer's place was taken by Alan Sors. Piotr Przybylski (bass) left, and was replaced Bogusz Rutkiewicz.
Having troubles completing the line-up, the band would have to deal with some other difficulties. The record company would insist on softening the band's sound and recording more 'catchy' tracks. Wojciech Hoffman later called that 'a time of mistakes and distortion'. Due to the insists in 1985 a compromise, softened LP Smak ciszy (The Taste of Silence) was recorded. Despite the sound being relatively soft, the riffing resembles Iron Maiden, and the vocals give the music more heaviness. The charting songs were "Smak Ciszy" and "Jaki był ten dzień" ("How That Day Was").
A year later Turbo recorded an LP that would become one of the best Polish heavy metal acts of all time - Kawaleria Szatana (Satan's Cavalry). Heavy riffing, Maiden-like soloing and lyrics dealing with typlically 'heavy' themes such as death, war and pain completely changed the band's image. The LP was very much successful and still is considered to be the groups' greatest effort. After the release Turbo went to collaborate with Metal Mind Records, what enabled then to play at the Metalmania festival.
In 1987 the band did record another LP, Ostatni Wojownik (Last Warrior, an English version was released as well in Europe a year later). It was a debut for the new drummer - Tomasz Goehs. The band's style hardened even more, influenced by early Metallica - so did the lyrics, even darker than before. In 1988 the first live recording Alive! was released, containing material recorded at two gigs 30.12.1986 and 3.03.1987.


With 1989 came several changes in the line-up - Bogusz Rutkiewicz quit, Andrzej Łysów took bass instead of guitar, and as the new guitarist came Robert "Litza" Friedrich. Influenced by Anthrax and Flotsam and Jetsam the musicians recorded Epidemie (later English edition,Epidemic), a highly technical thrash album.
In 1990 a break-up occurred, when Grzegorz Kupczyk and Andrzej Łysów quit the band. Tomasz Olszewski joined on bass, and the new singer was Robert "Litza" Friedrich. This line-up went on, creating Dead End which resembles somewhat of death metal vocals, but the songs' structures are still thrash. The break-up and lack of concerts would cause the band's inactivity. A compilation of 1980-1990 songs was released, containing tracks unreleased before.
Wojciech Hoffman tried to form a new line-up in 1992, releasing One Way (tapes only), but the effort turned out to be a commercial loss and Turbo finally ceased.
The following years, several compilation albums were released - in 1992 Titanic, with unreleased songs from the 'softened times', and a year later Dorosłe Dzieci i inne ballady (Grown-up Children and other ballads) - a collection of all Turbo ballads.
In 1995 Turbo played at a gig in Poznań, the line-up being Wojciech Hoffmann, Grzegorz Kupczyk, Bogusz Rutkiewicz together with Marcin Białożyk – guitar and Szymon Ziomkowski – drums. The applause caused the group to reform, and 1.01.1996 Turbo regrouped. In 1997 another compilation was released, this time entitled Intro: 1982-1996, composed of most popular songs. In 1999 Metal Mind Recordsreleased a Turbo discography on CD. The band played at Thrash'em All and Metalmania festivals.


Turbo on Metalmania Festival, Poland 2005
In 2000 a remastered version of Titanic was released, called Remix '92. On 20.01.2000 Turbo played at a gig celebrating Grzegorz Kupczyk's 25-year activity on stage. The gig was released as a CD 20012000'.
With 2001 came another LP, after a ten-year silence. Awatar (The Avatar) was an experimental, new-sound album, influenced by modern hard rock. The experiments were disapproved by the heavy metal diehards, who rated the album very low. The line-up formed was Hoffmann, Kupczyk i Rutkiewicz and Mariusz Bobkowski - drums.
In 2004 Turbo are back (Wojciech Hoffmann, Grzegorz Kupczyk, Bogusz Rutkiewicz and Tomek Krzyżaniak – drums and Dominik Jokiel – guitar). The Tożsamość (Identity) LP was released, being a comeback of pure heavy metal. The diehard public consider it to be an excellent come-back, while others claim the group to be repetitive. In 2005 a limited edition of Tożsamość together with Akustycznie (a record of the acoustic performance XII 2003) came out. The band went to Metalmania and released the gig as a live DVD.
During to un-olved problems with the record company coming out, and a bad music-market situation, the band ceased once again. Wojciech Hoffman went on a solo career, Grzegorz Kupczyk worked with his band CETI, and Bogusz Rutkiewicz joined Gotham.
In March/April 2007 the group took part in Metal Marathon Tour 3, together with Chainsaw - being Turbo's first tour since 2001.
In 2009 Metal Mind Productions released a remastered reediction of all Turbo albums, including One Way album


[edit]Current members

  • Wojciech Hoffmann (1980–present) – electric
  • Bogusz Rutkiewicz (1983–1988, 1996–present) – bass
  • Tomasz Krzyżaniak (2001–present) – drums
  • Dominik Jokiel (2001–present) – electric
  • Tomasz Struszczyk - (2007–present) - vocal

[edit]Former members

  • Alan Sors (1983–1986) – drums
  • Andrzej Łysów (Non Iron, CETI, Izotop) (1981–1990) – guitar, bass
  • Daniel Cybusz (Abathor, Citizen Dick) (1991–1992) - drums
  • Grzegorz Kupczyk (CETI, Non Iron, Panzer X) (1982–1989 and 1996–2007) - vocal, keyboards
  • Henryk Tomczak (Stress, Heam, Non Iron, Izotop) (1980–1981) – bass
  • Marek Olszak (1982) – drums
  • Marcin Białożyk (1996–2000) – gitara
  • Mariusz Bobkowski (Merithum, Hämmer) (2000–2001) – drums
  • Piotr Krystek (1980–1981) – vocal
  • Piotr Przybylski (1981–1989) – bass
  • Przemysław Pahl (Lombard) (1983) – drums
  • Radosław Kaczmarek (Creation of Death) (1991–1992) - bass
  • Robert "Litza" Friedrich (Acid Drinkers, Creation of Death, Flapjack, Savoy, Kazik Na Żywo) (1989–1990) – guitar
  • Tomasz Goehs (Wolf Spider, Creation of Death, Kr'shna Brothers, Kazik Na Żywo) (1987–1990) – drums
  • Tomasz "Lemmy Demolator" Olszewski (Creation of Death) (1990–1991) - bass
  • Wojciech Anioła (Lombard) (1980–1982) – drums
  • Wojciech Sewula (1980) – vocal


[edit]Studio albums

[edit]Live albums

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